

A Parent Involvement Preschool (PIP) is a place for families and teachers to work together, creating a positive, supportive, and enriched educational environment for children.  Children and parents learn new skills, build community and share in their first school experience together.

At Dunbar Memorial Preschool, parents/caregivers are invited to volunteer in a variety of ways.  Some parents choose to be on the Executive Board that makes the decisions in the running and administration of the preschool, some parents are classroom parents and help the teachers with tasks that can be done at home, some parents volunteer on cleaning days twice a year giving all the large equipment a good cleaning and other parents volunteer for special days in the classroom such as baking days or cookie decorating.

As a non-profit preschool run by an Executive Board parents are directly involved in the administration of the preschool. Parents are encouraged to volunteer on the Executive Board.  General meetings occur 4 evenings per school year and 1 parent from each family are expected to attend.  The Executive Board has up to 6 one hour zoom meetings each year.  Being on the Executive lets you have a say in how the preschool is operated.

Parents are involved in two main ways


Each family assumes a role to assist in the administration of the school.  Roles range from president to fundraising to doing laundry and require various levels of time and commitment.


Parents can assist in the classroom under the direction of the teachers.  This includes helping with activities, celebrating special occasions in the classroom, helping supervise during outside time, etc.

Some of the benefits include


Meeting other families, making new friends and being part of a community


Direct involvement in your child’s preschool


Greater affordability than privately owned schools


Sharing classroom time with your child and their peers


Opportunity to increase parenting skills and share information and experiences about child-rearing with other parents.

Parent Resources

Strong Willed Kids

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Helping Kids Cope with Anger and Frustration

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